Today, another fictional story. This time, it’s about the Apple Store in the forest, and the rabbit. While the Apple Store in this story was usually selling anything but apples, like the forestPod hair dryer, the nightMac headlights for bears, or the toothPhoney fake teeth for old wolves, the stubborn rabbit kept coming back, asking for apples…
During the first week, everything went fine. The rabbit would come to the Apple Store, enter, look around for at least ten minutes, and then ask:
“Do you have some red, sweet and juicy apples?”
Obviously, the young wolf working in the store would answer politely every time, because he had to comply with the company’s policy and treat every client like he was his boss, Steve Logs, the rich beaver who founded the little store deep inside the forest. As you probably imagined already, his answer would be negative, over and over again, but…
…after a few weeks, the little rabbit started to annoy him. One fine morning, the wolf came to work a bit tired and angry, we have no idea about what happened to him, but when he heard the rabbit asking about juicy apples again, he suddenly grabbed him by the throat, growling:
“If you ever come here again and ask about apples, I’ll nail you to the front door!”
After being put down, the rabbit took a few moments to catch his breath, then asked the wolf:
“Excuse me for asking, but do you have nails?”
“No, we don’t have nails, but we’ll get a new shipment next week. Anything else?”
With a big smile of relief on his face, the rabbit asked again: “So, do you have some red, sweet and juicy apples?” 🙂